Use "put words into his mouth|put word into his mouth" in a sentence

1. He put a grape into his mouth and swallowed it whole.

2. Put something in his mouth.

3. Put your hand over his mouth.

4. Put the ice pack in his mouth.

5. She put the thermometer in his mouth.

6. He put his toothbrush down and rinsed his mouth out.

7. Ballantyne grunted indifferently Mitchell put his cup to his mouth.

8. Don't put words in my mouth.

9. Every health minister gets put into his mouth in his early months an ambitious and laudatory summons to voluntary effort.

10. His mouth twisted into a wry smile.

11. He forked some bacon into his mouth.

12. His mouth twisted into a nasty snarl.

13. His mouth tightened into a thin line.

14. Then he put his fingers in his mouth and let out a shrill whistle.

15. His mouth tightened into a thin, angry line.

16. He crammed all the sweets into his mouth.

17. The nurse forced the food into his mouth.

18. On an impulse he put one in his mouth and bit timidly.

19. He had the presence of mind to put his emergency oxygen tube in his mouth.

20. 13 The nurse forced the food into his mouth.

21. He forked a piece of meat into his mouth.

22. Instantly the newcomer smashed an elbow into his mouth.

23. 22 His mouth set into a rather grim line.

24. The hungry man greedily shovelled the food into his mouth.

25. You havn't got that little creepy Connor trunk put his tongue in your mouth.

26. Or someone put the gun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger post-mortem.

27. The gang tied up the security guard and put a gag in his mouth.

28. He put his head into the noose.

29. Han thrust his manhood as big as his forearm into Miso's gaping mouth.

30. Put your hand over your mouth.

31. Put the gun in your mouth.

32. Simon ducked his head, cut a piece of ravioli in half with his fork and put it in his mouth.

33. The words purl out of his mouth.

34. He put his whole self into the performance.

35. He put a gun in my mouth.

36. The boy opened his mouth, wavered, then looked at a spot on the linoleum and put his breakfast there.

37. You can often save a person's life by breathing into his mouth.

38. The wrestler put his opponent into a head hold.

39. He put his belongings into a musty old cupboard beside his bed.

40. A good thing they'd be in Winchester tonight ... Wry humour put a slight quirk in his mouth.

41. Zen popped two motion-sickness pills out of their plastic nests and put them in his mouth.

42. They will put their hand over their mouth;

43. They would put their hand over their mouth.

44. Ahead, Ember turned into the tunnel-mouth, not even looking over his shoulder.

45. "Mouth by Mouth – His Name Is Alive".

46. She popped his lollipop back into her mouth with a sigh, and sucked.

47. I put my snorkel in my mouth, and I rolled over the side of the Zodiac into the water.

48. The sweet potato boy mashed his fists into his mouth until he had nothing more to say.

49. The hunter irritably and put his horse into the stall.

50. My father put all his money into stock market bonds.

51. He longed to put a little affection into his epistle.

52. The words of his mouth are hurtfulness and deception.”

53. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.

54. Stacked them neatly in a room in the west wing, and then he put both barrels of his shotgun in his mouth.

55. Three, open your mouth and put the spoon in.

56. He slipped a peppermint into his mouth and curled up, gazing at the legs.

57. I'm gonna put that gag back in your mouth.

58. 21 At one point, the gunman put the muzzle of his weapon against Gruson's mouth, he told me later.

59. Thomas plunged his arm deep into the creature's mouth and then forced his fist upwards through the larynx.

60. Bright (85 Occurrences) with the oath; and he put forth the end of the rod that was in his hand, and dipped it in the honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes Brightened

61. Receive instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.

62. The boss has put all his money into that speculative enterprise.

63. He's so full of alcohol... if you put a lighted wick in his mouth, he'd burn for three days.

64. This guy got into full dress uniform, drew a nickel-plated pistol and fired a bullet into his mouth.

65. I can never put my feelings into words.

66. But before he gets his breeches up, his lady of the hour pops a tiny spoon of that into his mouth.

67. Put up or shut up. You eat with that mouth?

68. 24 He spooned up several cakes of cube sugar and stuffed them into his mouth.

69. Sylvia watched, mesmerised, as Estelle peed over the man's face and into his open mouth.

70. His smooth face was slashed open by his predatory mouth, as if an invisible hatchet were biting into fruit.

71. " Nana ! " I put my hand over my mouth in shock .

72. Maybe his mouth sealed.

73. Pro 24 Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.

74. He lifted his glass to his mouth.

75. 30 The boss has put all his money into that speculative enterprise.

76. Li Yuhe was put into the prison, but his ambition was unchained.

77. Every word that came out of her mouth was a criticism, a put-down, or a complaint.

78. He put his whole self into the job, working night and day.

79. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my words, so only my friend could hear.

80. 19 A waltzing couple bumped the arm of a man stuffing a dumpling into his mouth.